Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Man Who Started It All

Joe Weider is arguably the most influential men to ever be involved in bodybuilding. Known as the Father of Bodybuilding, he was the man who created the International Federation of Bodybuilding, he recognized Arnold and propelled him into his career, and created the Mr Olympia Competition.

Joe Weider with Arnold

Gaining control of several publications in the early part of the 1950s, Weider quickly established himself as the authority of bodybuilding. Many of his publications are still on the stands today, including, Flex, Muscle and Fitness, Shape, and Men's Fitness. His ability to promote bodybuilders stands second to none as he has had every Mr. Olympia winner since Arnold Schwarzenegger under contract to his magazines. Yet, Joe Weider was a business man; his goals were to be as successful as he could be. Half of his magazines would feature diet, training, and supplement advice, but the other half would be filled with advertisements for his products, featuring his top bodybuilders using them. From supplements to gym equipment, Weider had the answer to building a muscular body.

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